I LOVE snow. Perhaps it is because we don't ever get it really, in this part of the world. Snow in the deep south is not something seen often. Last year it snowed maybe an inch and we shut down the schools. Our excuse was the threat of ice but really no one wanted to work or learn when we could play in snow. It's that rare. I remember one year my brother and I built the biggest snowman ever! The bottom was reinforced with a steel rod and he was so fat we had to use fire logs for arms! That was a good year.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Let every heart prepare him room
I LOVE snow. Perhaps it is because we don't ever get it really, in this part of the world. Snow in the deep south is not something seen often. Last year it snowed maybe an inch and we shut down the schools. Our excuse was the threat of ice but really no one wanted to work or learn when we could play in snow. It's that rare. I remember one year my brother and I built the biggest snowman ever! The bottom was reinforced with a steel rod and he was so fat we had to use fire logs for arms! That was a good year.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
2 posts in one day? Why yes, please!
Now-a-days you simply have to go to college to make something of yourself, and a woman needs a career like she needs to breathe because what if you never find someone? What if you find someone but he becomes a back-stabbing, woman eating philanderer with a penchant for knocking you around when you voice your opinions? You simply must have a career or you have absolutely nothing to fall back on! It's like the world is trying to fix everything, just in case! It's almost like we're inviting these horrible things into our lives by preparing for them. What if we simply trusted people? What if we knew without a doubt that this is the man you loved and no one else would do? What if we KNEW he wasn't a philander or abuser or anything like that because we took the time to find out everything about him ahead of time? What if we knew divorce was not an option because he's all that you've been waiting for your whole entire life? What if we didn't need a career, or college?
Then who would we be free to become?
What kind of woman would I be?
A lot less confused that's for sure. But sadly instead I'm one of many struggling college students trying to make sense of their life. Trying desperately to nail down a major I can be happy with for the next forty years because who wants to pay and go through this all again?
I think not.
Perhaps you do not agree with me and this is all well and good. I applaud your modern thinking. I wish that mine were one and the same. Just do me a favor will you? Don't ask me what my major is because trust me honey, as soon as I know, you'll know. I won't be trying to keep it a secret. (same goes for the boyfriend.)
As you well know suicide is definitely a topic I know something about, being what researchers label "a suicide survivor". This is the term they give for friends and families left behind. I've learned a lot of things I didn't know before but nothing that really gave me an answer for Kyle which I suppose in the end, is what I was really looking for. I can only assume he was feeling some of the things that are on the laundry list of tell-tale signs. Perhaps if we had lived in the same town...I don't know.
Suicide is the 11th leading cause of death.
At least 90% of people who kill themselves have a diagnosable and TREATABLE psychiatric illness.
It is the 3rd leading cause of death among 15-24 year olds.
Some leading signs are:
Rage, uncontrolled anger, seeking revenge
Acting reckless or engaging in risky activities, seemingly without thinking
Feeling trapped - like there's no way out
Increased alcohol or drug use
Withdrawing from friends, family and society
Anxiety, agitation, unable to sleep or sleeping all the time
Dramatic mood changes
One thing I learned that I didn't know is that a sudden mood change to happy can be a sign that someone is suicidal. In some instances the decision to kill themselves can make them happy because they finally see what they deem as "a way out."
This is a real problem, you are not alone. Hope is real and help is available.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Toy Story 3
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
I have a friend. His name is Kyle. We've been friends for as long as I can remember. It's one of those friendships that must have started somewhere but the beginnings are so blurry you can't really remember where it started or how. Our families have known each other forever and once upon a time his best friend dated my best friend so I suppose somewhere along the line that's how we began to know each other. Hes always been a happy guy, a little quirky, really into music. He's always given the best hugs...like he hadn't seen you in years or like you were the only person in the world worth hugging in that moment...like he didn't ever want to let go. The kind of person that when other people talked about him, they smiled. A good person, a happy person. He went to church, he loved God, he loved his family, was loyal to his friends.
On Monday, May the 17th he drove his truck out to a park that he ran in often. He sat there for quite a while, then he took a gun to his head and shot himself. In an instant, this funny lovable guy was brutally taken from this world.
He was 23 years old.
He had a girlfriend, he had a new job as a radiology technician's assistant, he had friends who loved him. I loved him. But he wasn't happy. Someway, somehow, he wasn't happy. His family who lived with him had no clue. His friends who hung out with him had NO clue. No one knows why. None of us understand. And we're all left with this aching. gnawing sadness that won't go away. Some of us can't eat, some aren't sleeping, I tried to go to work today but ended up having to come home because I was crying on the playground with children all around me. I had a headache the size of a mountain and all I wanted to do was curl up in bed and sleep so I couldn't think anymore.
Can you imagine having to pick out a casket for your 23 year old son who you thought was happy, whole, who had this bright future ahead of him? A son who seemed fine but had such inner demons that he felt it right to take himself from this world and all who loved him? Who somehow felt so alone, that he didn't want to live anymore.
He's gone, he's dead and I cannot bring him back. I can't tell him that I love him. I didn't tell him that I loved him the last time that I saw him and I will always regret that until the day I die. He was a wonderful vibrant person who had every reason to live but chose to die.
I will never understand. It will haunt me the rest of my life. No matter how old I get or his family gets, we'll always wonder why we didn't know. What we could have done....if it was something we did. But its not our fault. I have to keep telling myself that. It's no ones fault.
but his.
I will always love you. I will never understand.
Choose life. The people around you love you more than you can ever know. Don't let them show their love at a funeral. Let them love you now. Reach out. Live. Breathe. Find a way to make it better. Don't leave. Stay. You can never know the grief that you'll put them through. Whatever you're going through, the grief you'll leave behind will be ten times worse. Trust me, I know.
I will always love you. I will never understand.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
I'm blaming the books. Books are a wonderful thing. I used to hate to read when I was really young but then my Mother gave me Nancy Drew, and The Boxcar Children, and Harry Potter, and Sweet Valley High... and I was simply lost. There were millions of other worlds out there just waiting to be discovered. I could pretend that everything in life was perfect with a book. I could ignore things that I HAD to do with a book. Like Homework, or cleaning my room. ech. And so my love affair has continued on although I read older books now. How many times have I been lost in the pages of Pride and Prejudice? Or East of Eden? I will confess that I still read Harry Potter and The Chronicles of Narnia. Somethings you never quite grow out of. I also read romance novels. Now, don't judge. But sometimes you need a book that doesn't require you to think. All it asks of you is to curl up and become lost in its words and pages. The plot lines are often predictable but there is simply something in every woman that yearns for a happy ending, and in that with those books I am always satisfied.
Certain books will always haunt you for one reason or another, Kissing Doorknobs, Stepping on the Cracks, The Bridge to Terebithia are a few from my childhood that I've not forgotten. And sometimes I'll be daydreaming and a place, a scene from a book will come to my mind and I'll smile like I'm welcoming an old friend. I don't always remember where it comes from, what book it goes too, but it makes me happy to remember.
So I suppose in conclusion that I encourage you to read. Not just blogs. But a book, a good long book in a cozy chair, under a blanket with rain beating at your window and hot cocoa in your hand. Lose yourself in someone else's imagination and don't come up for air until you have to.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Monday Hilarity
Thursday, February 18, 2010
A Pink foyer! How can you go wrong with that? So happy!
Flowers creeping! So pretty!
Something about this just make me grin. It's such random frivolity! A lit chandelier in the middle of a truck? It's still pretty.
My Mother, who is fabulous, just started singing to me "Put on a Happy Face" You have to love a mother like that. (sang by Dick Van Dyke in the Movie version of Bye Bye Birdie)
Anywho here's to being able to laugh at yourself.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
A New Beginning
I suppose I decided to be apart of this year's voice. I've gotten to where I read a lot of Blogs, and somewhere along the line I decided to write one too. So, an introduction is in order.
My name is Lauren. I am many things, a writer, an artist, an actor, a dreamer, and to some people I'm a comedian. I love photography, all things vintage, movies, books, fashion, and the Internet. This blog will be a culmination of both things that inspire me and things that crack me up, because in the end, we all need a little more laughter in this world.