Which are like a thousand and something dollars. WAY out of my price range but OH so lovely. I want a pair of brown flat boots some kinda bad. Last night I found these....
A little more affordable, but I'm a struggling student so I'm gonna pray they go on sale. Speaking of sales, the reason why I found these beauties is because I was on the Steve Madden website buying these....
Which had finally gone on sale enough that I could justify it to myself. yay! I am a tad regretful I didn't get them in black, it would have been more practical but oh well! They're so pretty! And while I was at it I bought these for only 20 bucks at Target!
I love target. These look better in person. Although the pair I really wanted was these....

a bit too pricey though.
Anyway, what kind of shoes are you wearing (or lusting after) this spring?
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