Happy Monday! Or not. Every Friday me and the Kids say, "thank goodness it's Friday!" Today one of my kids said, "thank goodness it's Monday!" Me and the other teacher I work with got a good laugh out of that. She said, "oh no, don't say that! Say Yucky Monday!" So just to reassure you, we start out teaching that particular concept young. Nothing like a whole new generation of Monday Haters.
Every day we pray with the kids. It's a part of our daily circle time. We go around the circle and ask every child if they have anyone or anything we need to pray for. As you can imagine this inserts a bit of hilarity into our day to day life. We get anything from, "I'm Sick" to "My dog peed on the carpet again" or "Pray that I can be a motorcycle man when I grow up" and " My brother was really loud last night and he kept me up so I'm tired!" A 4 year old child will tell all your secrets.
This particular day however provided some extra amusement. We went around the circle and finally got to *Robert. "*Robert?" we asked,

"Do you have anything we need to pray for today?"
"Um...My underwear has holes in them."
Now if you know anything about the 4 year old mind then you know this, anything, and I mean ANYthing relating to underwear, body parts (specifically the bottom), or bathroom talk is instantly the most HILARIOUS thing ever! It will send them into guffaws of laughter that will have them bending at the waist and rolling on the floor. The laugh will be so hysterical that sometimes it's a bit of a scream. They LOVE it. So when *Robert so calmly announced that we needed to pray for his holy underwear we immediately lost complete and utter control of the class. And of ourselves. It WAS pretty funny.
When we managed to compose ourselves the question was then asked,
"How did that happen?"
"umm...I don't know but my Daddy bought me some new ones."
"What kind?"
*Robert then proceeds to pull them out of the top half of his jeans for a better look
"Thomas the Train!"
Hilarity of course ensued all over again. It's these moments in my day that make me so glad that I'm a teacher. It reminds me of how even the small things in life can be utterly hilarious. *Robert and his Thomas underwear got prayed for and all my children got a much needed laugh for the day. They all of course then had to compare each others underwear and it almost made me miss the days when wearing Cinderella on my bottom was the coolest thing EVER.

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