It took my man a grand total of ten months to finally tell me he liked me. Liked me. Lets just say I almost gave up on things all together. But somewhere along the line I just knew somehow that it was right and so I hung on as long as I could. So we talked for a while after that and finally he asked me to be his girlfriend. It was very high school but it an endearing sort of way. So by now you could almost say we've been together for a year even though we've ony been dating for a month and 7 days.
It's the biggest leap of faith I've ever taken. We take things very seriously when it comes to relationships....we didn't want to be together if we weren't sure it was going to eventually be a forever situation. So in a way we've already made a big commitment to each other. We plan to get married one day. I would like to graduate first. Sometimes...I go along and I feel like we've been together forever. Then I stop and think... and it's like I can't believe I have someone because I've been without for so long. The Lord had a plan for both of us and he brought us together at just the right time.
He lives very far away from me and that has been a struggle...but in two weeks hes moving in just down the street from me. I'm both elated and nervous. It's a big step and yet it's not because it's just one step closer to where we both want to be.
I had faith that one day God would give me someone and yet on the other hand I had determined that if he didn't it wouldn't change who I was. I didn't want just anyone. I wanted what God had for me.There's a difference. A big difference. I'm happy now in ways I cannot explain. We're very good for each other....I help keep him humble, he helps keep me sane. It works somehow and I don't know how, but God does.
I always wanted a love story. And now I have one of my very own...front porch swings, car rides in the truck after midnight, talking in the rain under a tree, breakfast with waffles, forts in the living room, swimming holes, cookies...
all these things add up to a story that is my man and me and somewhere along the way they also added up to love.
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