There are places like Neverland and Narnia. Places like Wonderland and Terebithia. Places that are beautiful fantastical fairy tales. No matter the name or who tells the story, there is this place that exists...somewhere between awake and sleep...where the boogieman lurks and nightmares creep, where heroes save the day and maidens faint away. Where dragons roar and carpets soar to brand new heights. Where castles stand tall and mountains can fall if only you have a bit of magic. There are no limits to bravery, no limits to the imagination, minds are wide open and the blind can see a beauty that exists in no other place. Oh- this place has many names. It's whatever we believe it to be. Whatever we wish it to be. A haven, an escape. Wouldn't it be nice to live there?

If only for a little while.
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