This made my heart stop. I have a thing for hot air balloons. Isn't it lovely? hand stitched with lovely pages waiting for me to write in them. Tres sigh.
I'm blaming the books. Books are a wonderful thing. I used to hate to read when I was really young but then my Mother gave me Nancy Drew, and The Boxcar Children, and Harry Potter, and Sweet Valley High... and I was simply lost. There were millions of other worlds out there just waiting to be discovered. I could pretend that everything in life was perfect with a book. I could ignore things that I HAD to do with a book. Like Homework, or cleaning my room. ech. And so my love affair has continued on although I read older books now. How many times have I been lost in the pages of Pride and Prejudice? Or East of Eden? I will confess that I still read Harry Potter and The Chronicles of Narnia. Somethings you never quite grow out of. I also read romance novels. Now, don't judge. But sometimes you need a book that doesn't require you to think. All it asks of you is to curl up and become lost in its words and pages. The plot lines are often predictable but there is simply something in every woman that yearns for a happy ending, and in that with those books I am always satisfied.
Certain books will always haunt you for one reason or another, Kissing Doorknobs, Stepping on the Cracks, The Bridge to Terebithia are a few from my childhood that I've not forgotten. And sometimes I'll be daydreaming and a place, a scene from a book will come to my mind and I'll smile like I'm welcoming an old friend. I don't always remember where it comes from, what book it goes too, but it makes me happy to remember.
So I suppose in conclusion that I encourage you to read. Not just blogs. But a book, a good long book in a cozy chair, under a blanket with rain beating at your window and hot cocoa in your hand. Lose yourself in someone else's imagination and don't come up for air until you have to.