"For last year's words belong to last year's language And next year's words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning."
I suppose I decided to be apart of this year's voice. I've gotten to where I read a lot of Blogs, and somewhere along the line I decided to write one too. So, an introduction is in order.
My name is Lauren. I am many things, a writer, an artist, an actor, a dreamer, and to some people I'm a comedian. I love photography, all things vintage, movies, books, fashion, and the Internet. This blog will be a culmination of both things that inspire me and things that crack me up, because in the end, we all need a little more laughter in this world.
Why the title Finding Neverland? Well First off, Peter Pan is probably one of my favorite stories...ever. I know this makes me sound like a child but in the end we all have a bit of a child inside of us and it's important to keep that alive...to find the youth and magic and imagination in life everyday. To take it and keep it and be inspired by it and live better lives. In the first Chapter of the book, JM Barrie describes Neverland as whatever a child imagined it to be. To Wendy it was someplace entirely different than to Michael or John, and yet when they went it was somehow the best of both worlds. I think adults still do that...have a place inside their head that makes them happy...or a story, or an alternate reality. There is a quote that I love that says,
"Reality is for people who lack imagination"
And so I hope to designate this space to all those things that spark the imagination, and inspire the soul and hopefully, on some days, invoke the child that is within you. It is of utmost importance to remember where you've come from and to also believe in where you are.
(picture cred : erm, I don't remember them all but the laughing boy was taken by me, and the bottom one is definitely a' la' the Drifter and the Gypsy. The Glitter faced girl might be hers too. I save pictures I love and tend to forget where the come from.)