Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Your life is an Occasion

I've found within myself this week something that has been missing for a while. I've been so caught up in other work, in school, in scholarships, in weddings and events I have to go too that I've forgotten to breathe. It probably is more this one person's fault and that's easy it is to lose ourselves in other people. Your world becomes so crowded that other things fade into the background.

Well these past two weeks have been quiet, and this week is spring break which means I'm simply working all week and so to a certain extent my brain has had the opportunity to simply rest. I've had a lot of thoughts lately....about where I want my life to go and who I want to be. Do you know what simply came to me? Stories. I haven't written anything in so very long that wasn't a term paper or and essay exam...and all of the sudden in the midst of my silence came this creative energy. How wonderful, it feels to be creative again. I've been sketching and drawing and writing and scouring the Internet for inspiring pictures and I do believe I might finish my book this time.

(This is one of the pictures that inspired me. wow.)

I don't want to jinx it.

But I was thinking the other day, how many people my age have had a story to tell, and told it and had it published? I've had this stigma about it for so long. I'm to young, I have to graduate from college first, blah...blah. Well guess what? There isn't a better time than now to pursue the things I want for myself. One day I'll be married with children running around me with a house to clean and food to cook and I will never have the blessed silence that I have now until they're grown. So now I think is the perfect time to focus on me...and then one day I'll focus on everyone else.
Plus if it turns out I'm really bad at this, better to find out now before I'm out of school. A change of major might be in order :) I was watching Mr.Magorium's Wonder Emporium with my class of four year olds yesterday and I had forgotten how much I love that movie. It's magic in a movie and you can't get much better than Dustin Hoffman and Natalie Portman. Anyway- at the end of the movie Hoffman's character puts his hands on Natalie's shoulders and says,

"Your life is an occasion. Rise to it."

I love that. My life is an occasion. What good are any of us if we don't rise to it. What good are dreams if not a single one ever comes true. I want to be everything I can be in this life.

What about you?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Oscar Rundown

Come on Oscars, really?


I am a huge fan of Anne Hathaway, but this year's Oscars didn't work. At all. Poor Anne tried so hard, a little too hard at times and James Franco honestly looked high on weed the entire time. The one time I laughed at him was when he came out in drag and thats just cause he looked hilarious. The Academy Awards try to hard. This is the problem. They want so badly to "appeal" to the younger demographic not getting that the reason Bob Hope hosted for like 18 years was because he was FUNNY.

Guess what? Doesn't matter how old you are, if you are funny you appeal to EVERY demographic, thus boosting ratings.

They gave Billy Crystal a standing ovation for a reason. We were all secretly hoping he'd take over.

That and the hosts didn't really host as much as they just stood there and introduced people. Anne also changed her dress and hair a grand total of 8 times if I counted correctly. Seriously people? Is that honestly necessary? Everytime she came on stage her hair and outfit had changed. Just a tad extreme.
The presenting highlights were as follows....Jude Law and Robert Downing Jr. ...pretty hilarious...recorded Bob Hope, laugh out loud funny, Billy Crystal, Sandra Bullock is always charmingly witty, and I personally got a laugh out of Russell Brand and Dame Helen.

So I guess what I'm saying is, please, please bring Billy back, or ask Steve Martin...or Steve Carell or Zach Galaphenakis (I know I spelled that wrong, please don't make me look it up.) Someone funny, please? please? k. thanks.

On a different note, I was thrilled for both Natalie Portman and Colin Firth, they both really deserved the oscar they recieved.

Young Star Hailee Steinfeld shined in her dress and I want to steal it from her.

oh...and Christian Bale? Shave the obscene growth on your face. thanks.
the. end.