"May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself."-Neil Gaiman
So I plan this year, to do everything on that list. That is my resolution. It won't be a hard one to keep and thus I will be satisfied this time next year. Usually I look back on my resolutions and cringe because I had forgotten to do them all, or most of them. This past year I was actually semi-successful, I did two of my resolutions.
I lost 15 pounds and I cut all my hair off.
I have yet however to dye that hair red or drop everything and do the long road trip to California that I've always dreamed of doing.

This trip WILL happen. one day. It will be epic. Me, plus some crazy friends I can convince to go, plus some pre-made road trip CDs of awesomeness, plus a route planned on a map that goes through every random, crazy, site seeing places in America ( like the worlds biggest ball of yarn, or something insane like that) plus the ultimate final destination: Hollywood. Once there become the ultimate tourist where I will definitely go to the walk of fame and measure my hands against hollywood royalty, and then pile up and go back via a different route.

It's on my bucket list. Along with riding in a hot air balloon, traveling the world and bungee jumping off a bridge. Oh! and visiting Harry Potter World and owning my own wand. But that's my geeky side.

Anyway this year I plan to surprise myself, I plan to be epically happy as often as possible, I plan to grow in God, I plan to stand on a beach and dream, to go out of town as much as I'm able, to go to the spa at least once cause trust me honey, once experienced, this is something not to be lived without. I plan to watch every single episode of Bones because this show is my new obsession (seriously? B&B get together already!). I plan to maybe fall in love a bit and hopefully shed a few more pounds...I plan to watch three couples I love get married, to freak out in July when my brother has his first child, to make a 4.0 this semester and in the fall, to turn 23 with grace and style and hopefully some celebration and to burst into 2012 thinking man, what a year! What a ride!

2011, I will own you.
Even though this post didn't happen till the 31st of January.