Now-a-days you simply have to go to college to make something of yourself, and a woman needs a career like she needs to breathe because what if you never find someone? What if you find someone but he becomes a back-stabbing, woman eating philanderer with a penchant for knocking you around when you voice your opinions? You simply must have a career or you have absolutely nothing to fall back on! It's like the world is trying to fix everything, just in case! It's almost like we're inviting these horrible things into our lives by preparing for them. What if we simply trusted people? What if we knew without a doubt that this is the man you loved and no one else would do? What if we KNEW he wasn't a philander or abuser or anything like that because we took the time to find out everything about him ahead of time? What if we knew divorce was not an option because he's all that you've been waiting for your whole entire life? What if we didn't need a career, or college?
Then who would we be free to become?

A lot less confused that's for sure. But sadly instead I'm one of many struggling college students trying to make sense of their life. Trying desperately to nail down a major I can be happy with for the next forty years because who wants to pay and go through this all again?
I think not.