I don't know how else to do things, other than simply go on as before. So that is what I will do.
I went and discovered the joys of Toy Story 3 last night. Simply a beautiful movie.
I can appreciate the horrors of child care since this is my day to day job. So, yes. Children do stick toys up their noses....and throw them, and smash them into walls and break off various pieces and chew on them. That was real life. Using a toy as a paintbrush however was a tad extreme. No teacher worth their salt would let that happen. Neither is paint and glitter and glue just left out for them to smear everywhere. We do have our limits. It was a fabulous movie though, in particular my favorite part was when Buzz Lightyear gets turned into Spanish mode. I was laughing louder than the children. Seriously funny stuff. If only you could have been in the theater with me. There is just something about a Disney movie that turns me into a child. I laugh, I cry, I turn into a hyper-active squirmy thing that punches the person next to her during certain climatic points in the movie. The best part was my friend that went with me also happens to turn into the same thing so we were very content watching it together. Sadly we were more entertained than the other children in the theater and were also the only adults that attended without someone under the age of 13 in tow.
It doesn't matter.
Magic is magic no matter how old you get and now I have Tangled to look forward too. If the preview is any indication, I will be laughing hysterically throughout this film as well.

Congrats Disney. You're on a roll.